Ir radies projekta logo, kuru veidoja skolotājas Santas Veidemanes audzēkņi un kā interesantākais un piemērotākais tika izraudzīts 4. klases skolnieces Gretas Grīnbegas veidotais logo.
1. posmā mēs lasām lietuviešu autoru darbus, atbilstoši vecumposmiem:
Mums veicamie uzdevumi:
Dažādām klasēm uzdevums šeit
Pēc grāmatas "Pelīte Spicīte" izlasīšanas
2. posmā mēs lasīsim latviešu autoru darbus:
Latvian fairy tales
Latvian fairy tales and a book that we have chosen to read for the next term.
1st form „A hare and a fox“.
2nd form "A sparrow and a cat“.
3rd form „A man, a bear and a fox".
4th form „Good-hearted orphan“.
These fairy tales are taken from the book “ The most beautiful Latvian fairy tales“. Vaiga. 1996
5th form
„A cat, little cock and a fox“.
„A fox teaches wolf to fish“.
„Grandfather‘s glove“.
„The war of beasts“
„A grand cock“..
For the fith form fairy tales are taken from the book „The most beatiful fairy tales of my childhood“.
6 th form
„Started in the morning, will be working till evening“.
„A wedding of hare“.
„Joking or seriously“.
„Stoves‘ stoker of devil“.
„How laborer tought his host“
„How lord‘s dog was tought to speak“.
These fairy tales are taken from the book „Funny fairy tales of European nations". Part 1. Vaiga. 2001
7-8 formers read Zalyte „Five fingers“.
Lietuviešu bērnu vizīte Latvijā no 6. marta līdz 9. martam 2017.
Darbs par izlasītajām grāmatām:
1.-4. klase "Kika Mika", "Pelītes spicītes aizraujošie piedzīvojumi"
5.-9. "Mans vārds ir Marīte"
Darba plāns:
Pirmdiena 6.03. Viesu sagaidīšana
Ekskursija pa Vecrīgu. Gidu lomā 7., un 8. klases audzēkņi
Otrdiena 7.03. Darbs grupās skolā.
Viesu ekskursija uz Lietuviešu skolu Rīgā
Ekskursija uz Latvijas Nacionālo bibliotēku
Sporta pēcpusdiena Ķekavas sporta klubā
Trešdiena 8.03. Viktorīna skolā.
Filmas "Ekskursante" kopīga noskatīšanās
Ekskursija uz Lietuviešu vētniecību Rīgā
Popiela ar viesu piedalīšanos
Ceturtdiena 9.03. Viesu pavadīšana
Fotogalerija no ekskursijas Gaismas pilī:
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Projekta atbildes vizīte Lietuvā , Alītas pilsētā, Pilskalna proģimnāzijā
Latviešu bērnu vizīte Lietuvā no 16. marta līdz 19. maijam 2017.
Darbs par izlasītajām grāmatām:
1.-4. klase Latviešu un lietuviešu tautas pasakas
5.-9. Māra Zālīte "Pieci pirksti"
Darba plāns:
Otrdiena 16.03. Viesu sagaidīšana
Ekskursija pa skolu, skolas muzeju
Kopīgas uzkodas
Ekskursija pa Alytus pilsētu, radošās darbnīcās
(Sveču un papīra darināšana) muzejā
Otrdiena 7.03. Darbs grupās skolā.
Kopīga ballīte skolā
Trešdiena 8.03. Ekskursija uz Kauņu
Ceturtdiena 9.03. Viesu pavadīšana
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Uzdevumi, kas tika veikti vizītes laikā:
Tasks for 5th form
„Grandfather‘s glove“.
1. Why the characters of the fairy tale were hiding in a glove?
2. Draw a glove and “inhabit” in it the characters of the fairy tale “Grandfather’s glove”.
3.What is the main idea of this fairy tale?
„A cat, little cock and a fox“.
Draw the main characters of this fairy tale.
Describe (in writing) a cat, little cock and a fox.
What is the main idea of this fairy tale?
„The war of beasts“
Create a poetical moral of this fairy tale.
Make as many questions as you can beginning with “Why” based on this fairy tale.
What is the main idea of this fairy tale?
„A fox teaches wolf to fish“.
1. Create a crossword or questionnaire based on fairy tale „A fox teaches wolf to fish“.
2. Create the ending of fairy tale.
3. What is the main idea of this fairy tale?
„A grand cock“.
Draw the sequence of events of fairy tale, inserting illustrations .
Create an advert of fairy tale or its follow-up.
What is the main idea of this fairy tale?
Tasks for 6th form
Fairytale „Punished“
1. What is the main idea?
2.Where did everything happen?
3.When did the wedding had to happen?
4.Why did the farmer want to lure away the bride?
5.Did the bride betray the groom?
Fairytale "The Rabbit's Wedding"
1. Who did the rabbit want to marry?
2. Why didn‘t the peasant want to marry him?
3. Was the wolf successful in marriage?
4. Why did the wolf become the rabbits horse?
5. Why does the wolf avoid the news?
Fairytale „Stoker of Devil‘s furnaces“
1. What is the theme?
2. Who are the main characters?
3. What was in the first tub?
4. Why was the devil angry at the human?
5 . What has the man done to the devil?
Fairytale ,, How did the laborer teach his boss?
1. How did the man decide to teach the peasant?
2.What happens to the bread crust that no one wants to eat?
3. What did the peasant realise after the mans teaching?
4. What happens to the bread that no one wants to eat?
5. When did the man and the owner go to eat?
Fairytale ”How did teach the Lord‘s dog to speak?“
1. What was the dog of the lord?
2. What did the lord get for the dog?
3. What did the lord want to teach his dog?
4. What is the main idea?
5. Where did the lords dog disappear?
6. Why did the lord try to teach his dog how to speak?
7. Why doesn’t anyone try to teach their dogs how to speak?
Questions are prepared by 6th grade Lithuanian students
Uzdevumi 7.-8. klasei par Māras Zālītes grāmatu "Pieci pirksti"
Projekts “Sveces gudrība” tiek īstenots Ziemeļvalstu ministru padomes finansētās Nordplus Jauniešu izglītības programmas ietvaros. Projekts tiek īstenots sadarbībā ar Alytus Piliakalnis proģimnāziju no Lietuvas. Šī projekta mērķis ir veicināt lasītprasmi un rakstītprasmi skolēnu vidū, apmainīties pieredzēm par inovatīvām metodēm, kas veicina lasīt un rakstīt prasmi, un to integrēšanu partneru skolu mācību procesā. Tāpat viens no projekta uzdevumiem ir motivēt pamatskolas skolēnus lasīt ne tikai skolas mācību programmu ietvaros, bet arī mājās un izvēlēties lasīšanu kā vienu no brīvā laika pavadīšanas veidiem. Projekts norisināsies no 2016. gada septembra līdz 2017. gada septembrim, un tā galvenās aktivitātes paredz dažādu lasīšanas konkursu organizēšanu katrā no partneru skolām, kā arī skolēnu apmaiņu. Plānots, ka 2017. gada pavasarī 30 skolēni un 3 pedagogi no Lietuvas skolas viesosies Ķekavā un tikpat liels skaits skolēnu un pedagogu no Privātās pamatskolas Gaismas tilts 97 viesosies Lietuvā. Lasīšanas konkursus ir plānots organizēt trīs vecuma grupās un to primārais mērķis būs popularizēt grāmatu lasīšanu skolēnu vidū. Savukārt klašu apmaiņu laikā to dalībniekiem būs iespēja iepazīties ar katras skolas ikdienas dzīvi, mācību procesu, iepazīt partnervalstu kultūru, tradīcijas, vēsturi, apmainīties pieredzēm par to kā katrā skolā tiek veicināta lasītprasme, kā arī izveidot ciešākas attiecības skolēnu un pedagogu starpā.
„Candle wisdom” is a project under the framework of the Nordplus Junior program that unites Private primary school “Gaismas tilts 97” from Latvia with Alytus Piliakalnis Progymnasium from Lithuania. The aim of the project is to develop reading skills, literacy between school children, exchange experiencesof innovative methods that facilitate literacy, reading skills and can be easily integrated into the learning process of school curricula. Another aim of the project is to motivate primary school children to read not only within school framework but also at home in their leisure time. The Project will last from 01.09.2016.– 31.08. 2016. The main project activities will consist of: reading competitions organized in each partner school, 60 pupils and 6 teachers will participate in mobilities in Latvia and Lithuania. Reading competitions will be organized in three age groups and will be aimed to popularize book reading between pupils. During class mobilities pupils and teachers will have opportunity to get an insight in each school everyday life, education process, to reveal partner countries culture, traditions, history; to discuss about reading culture, traditions in relevant country; will have possibility to communicate with the peers in informal manner; for teachers - to get an insight into the methodology of other school and exchange experiences on measures taken to improve literacy of children in school environment.